Information for Russian athletes

Информация для спортсменов из России

Добро пожаловать на ЕвроИгры в Берне! Мы, Федерация ЛГБТ-спорта России, очень хотели бы поддержать русскоязычных участников Игр и пригласить вас стать частью делегации ЛГБТ спорта России на Евроиграх – первой такой делегации с 2019 года.

Приглашаем вас присоединиться к делегации, пообщаться, поболеть друг за друга и пройти вместе на церемонии открытия ЕвроИгр.

Если вам нужна поддержка на ЕвроИграх и вы хотите присоединится к нашей делегации – пожалуйста напишите президенту Федерации Алене Липилиной

Information for athletes from Russia

Welcome to Switzerland! We are delighted that you will be taking part in EuroGames Bern 2023. We look forward to meeting you during the Opening Ceremony, or at the EuroGames Village on the Münster Platform. The President of the Russian LGBT Sports Federation Elena Lipilina will be there to meet you and where possible, cheer you during the competition!

If you have any questions regarding the Russian delegation, you can reach out to Elena directly at

Statement from EuroGames Bern 2023 regarding athletes from Russia
We acknowledge that due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, many mainstream events have banned Russian athletes from participation. We fully support this decision.

It is a different story when it comes to queer athletes from Russia: Since 2013, Russia’s so called «gay-propaganda» law has been used to harass and persecute LGBTIQ people, activists, and organizations. Events like EuroGames are one of the few opportunities, where queer Russians can participate. In that spirit we explicitly welcome Russian athletes to the EuroGames and celebrate their participation as a stance against the oppressive regime in Russia.